Collaboration in our working groups

Genealogical collection (Grey folders): The working group around Mrs. Jensen and Mrs. Bahns is working on revising our more than 2500 "Grey folders" , possibly reorganizing them, etc., in order to then evaluate them for a digital  table of contents. The result can then be found in our database of genealogical collections (gray folders) on our website (internal directory). Not only are existing folders evaluated, but new folders are also created and existing ones supplemented. All members who have already used this database know how helpful this resource is. Additional employees are needed to ensure that the folders that have not yet been analyzed can be processed as quickly as possible. Last but not least, this work provides many new insights for your own family research.

Civil registration: This project, led by Heinz Wiemann, of transcribing the alphabetical indexes to the civil registers since 1875 is just as useful as those described above. Here, too, further assistance is welcome, as this is also work that can be done at home on your computer. The results are entered into the database "Civil registers", an important aid for searching in the civil registers.

However, Die MAUS needs help with more than just these two projects. Members are also always needed to help with the work in our workroom - maintaining the library, looking after the electronic resources, answering inquiries, advising visitors, cataloging sources, etc. - we always need members who want to help.

 Please contact us at: